Hey I have been playing video games for a long time. I havent plaed alot of fps and I think combat amrs might be my fist to realy get into. Actualy my first shootin ggame to realy get into. My favorite video game is Zelda and probaly zelda orcorina of time which is teh number of video game of all time. I am a member of teh church of Christ. I believe in speaking where teh bible speaks and keeping silent where the bible is sieletn and that teh bible is teh final authorite no if ands or buts. I desire that all men be saved so if you want to talk about teh gospel with me just let me know UI would love to any time. I am currently 16 and living in texas. I play varsity basketball and tennis. I love sports and recreational activities as well as spening time with friends and hanginh out. If you ever have a problem or want to ask me something fell free to ask and dont be shy.